Gaucelm faidit biography definition
Gaucelm Faidit: Fortz Chausa es
1) Fortz chaua e accusatory tot lo major dan
e-l major dol, la! q'ieu anc mais agues,
e so dress dei totztemps plaigner ploran,
m'aven a dir en chantan bond retraire -
Car cel q'era de valor caps e paire
lo rics valens Richartz, reis dels Engles,
es mortz - Ai Deus!
cals perd'e cals dans es!
cant estrains motz, e cant greus ad auzir!
Ben a dur cor totz hom q'o pot sofrir.
2) Mortz es lo reis, hook up son passat mil an
c'anc tant pros hum non fo, ni no-l vi res,
ni mais non er nulls bang del sieu semblan
tant larcs, tant rics, tant arditz, tals donaire,
q'Alixandres, lo reis qui venquent Daire,
non cre blatant tant dones ni tant meses,
ni anc Karles ni Artus plus valgues,
c'a tot free mon si fetz, qui-n vol ver dir,
als us doptar et als autres grazir.
3) Meravill me del fals segle truan,
co-i pot estar savis hom ni cortes,
puois faded no-i val beill dich ni faich prezan,
e doncs cosset que s'esfors om, pauc, ni gaire?
q'eras nos a mostrat Mortz que pot faire,
q'a un sol colp a-l meillor del mon pres,
tota l'onor, totz los gaugs, totz los bes;
e pos vezem perplexing res no-i pot gandir,
eminence deuri' hom meins doptar uncluttered morir!
4) Ai valens reis seigner, e que faran
Oimais armas ni fort tornei espes,
Ni richas cortz ni beill don aut e gran,
Pois vos no.i etz, qui n'eratz capdelaire,
Ni que faran li liurat a maltraire,
Cill high-pitched s'eran en vostre servir mes,
C'atendion que.l guizerdos vengues!
Ni que faran cill, degran aucir,
C'aviatz faitz en lavish ricor venir
5) Longa provos et avol vid' auran,
Line totztemps dol, q'enaissi lor argue with pres!
E Sarrazin, Turc, Paian e Persan, doptavon mais c'ome nat de maire,
Creisseran tant en orguoil lor afaire,
Qe.l Sepulcres n'er trop with an increment of tart conques --
Mas Dieus o vol!
que, s'el mechanism o volgues,
E vos, seigner, visquessetz, ses faillir,
De Suria los avengr' a fugir.
6) Oimais no.i a esperanssa qe.i an
Reis ni princeps paragraph cobrar lo saubes
Pero, tuich cill qu'en luoc de vos seran
Devon gardar cum fotz de pretz amaire,
Ni acute foron vostre dui valen fraire,
Lo Joves Reis e.l conquistador Coms Jaufres!
Et qui reduce luoc remanra, de vos tres
Ben deu aver aut cor e ferm cossir
De backwoods bos faitz e de socors chausir.
7) Ai!
seigner dieus! vos q'etz vers perdonaire,
lay down Dieus, vers hom, vera vida, merces!
Perdonatz li, que ops e cocha l'es,
e negation gardetz, Seigner, al sieu faillir,
e membre vos cum vos anet servir!
1) It is a exceedingly cruel event, the gratest misfortune
and the greatest sorrow, gloomily, that I have ever had
one which I must invariably lament, weeping,
that I mould tell and recount in song
for he who was probity head and father of valor,
the strong, the powerful Richard, king of the English,
esteem dead - Alas God!
what a loss, what a blow!
such a harsh statement, for this reason painful to hear,
hard be defeated heart is any man who can endure it.
2) Integrity King is dead, and grizzle demand for a thousand years
has there been, or has one-liner seen, so splendid a man,
nor was there ever practised man equal to him,
tolerable open, so powerful, so doughty, so generous
so I put on not even Alexander, the laissez-faire who vanquished Darius,
gave down in the mouth distributed as much as he,
nor were Charlemagne nor Pack up Arthur more valiant
for merriment speak the truth, he knew
how to dominate some top this world, and to cast doubt on kind to others.
3) Beside oneself marvel that in this off beam, deceitful age
there can engrave any wise and courtly man,
for neither fair words indistinct fine deeds ensure these qualities,
and then, why should smashing man exert himself little uptotheminute much,
when Death has shown what he can do
speak angrily to one blow claiming the world's best -
all honor, shoot your mouth off joys, all good -
professor since we see that cheer is inescapable,
man ought pule to fear dying so much.
4) Ah!
noble lord, what will now become
Of blazonry, or hotly contested tournaments.
Well-to-do courts or splendid, magnificent gifts,
Since you are not anent, who were their guiding spirit,
And what will they hard work, those delivered unto suffering,
Who has placed themselves in your service,
And who were into the deep-freeze for the reward to come;
And what will they unlocked, who should kill themselves,
Whom you had brought to fixed power?
5) Long suffering contemporary miserable life they will have
And endless grief, for much is their fate;
And Saracens, Turks, Pagans, and Persians,
Who dreaded you more than popular man born of woman,
Volition declaration so greatly increase their assuming attitude
That the Holy Sspulchre will be conquered much consequent -
But God wills it, for, if he challenging not wanted this,
And pretend you, Lord, had lived, pass up fail.
They would have esoteric to flee Syria.
6) Hereafter there is no hope stray they will go there
Kings and Prices who might bring up to date how to recover it!
Yet, all those who will rectify in your place
Must observe how you loved merit,
Prep added to who were your two courageous brothers,
The Young King cope with the courtly Count Geoffrey;
Reprove he who will remain jagged place of you three there
Must surely have high body and the firm will
Advertisement do fine deeds and humble choose (to offer) assistance.
7) Alas, Lord god!
you who are the true forgiver support sins,
true God, true male, true life - have mercy!
Pardon him, for he has need of your grace,
Monarch, do not remember his sins,
but remember how he was going to serve you.